Next Dream Circle (Reno area)
Are you curious about your dreams?
Dreams are a window into the unconscious. A path for decoding the language of our dreams is to gather in small groups and share with one another.
What I love about this work, is the someone in a dream circle discovers something completely unexpected about the meaning of a dream and it resonates with them deeply in a way that they could not have done on their own.
I will also be starting a new dream circle on Zoom
Please reach out if you are interested in
joining remotely

Click here to request to be added to the next dream circle
Becoming Whole Through Our Dreams: A Nightly Journey Into the Unconscious
View Kathy's July 2023 Presentation to the Sierra Psychedelic Society

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it
will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
- Carl Jung

About Me

I earned a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology with a concentration in transformative life coaching, and received a certificate in dreamwork through the Institute for Dream Studies. I facilitate dream circles and coach individuals focusing on dreams. Dream circles are approached through the lens of empowering the dreamer, where others share their ideas about another’s dream, including symbols, metaphors, and archetypes. No one accept for the dreamer is an authority on the dream meaning. I coach individuals through the landscape of their night time dreams, focusing on healing the aspects of self that no longer serve them. I am passionate about brining the unconscious into awareness for healing and to reach higher potentials.
How do dream circles work?
"What does this dream want from me and where can I use it in my life to heal and live up to my higher potentials?"